New Year, New Intentions
Happy New Year friends! We are in disbelief that 2021 has already come to a close, but ready as we’ll ever be for 2022.
It can feel easy to get overwhelmed with the pressure of a new year– the constant messages of do more, make changes, be different. Don’t get us wrong! You want to run a marathon in 2022? We are cheering you on! Do you have a goal to cook dinner more often? Way to go!

But just as important and noteworthy are new intentions to breathe more deeply. To be playful and present. To create pockets of stillness in the midst of life’s chaos. To pause and reflect on the moments + memories that brought us here. To invite a year of rest and gratitude.
In any and all of your goals, the quiet and loud, the mundane and the magical, we are rooting for you. No matter what this year hold, you will make it through.

Looking for a tangible reminder to slow down? Shop our entire pause collection HERE.